Computers in Honduras....the keyboard on the computer I was using quit working so I had to wait for another computer.
People here are so humble that they get so excited with second-hand and used toys and clothing. I don't waste things anymore after seeing how very humble they are and how grateful they are for every little thing...the kids are so excited when they get little McDOnald's Happy Meal toys!
I'm sad to hear that A. doesn't work at Ann Taylor anymore. But as long as B. and H. and B. are still there then I should be okay. I am definitely planning to go back there to work. It was a really good environment. But I think I might have to get two jobs because paying for college really scares me!
Elder S told me about his Mom asking him to send pictures like the ones I send home. Hahahaha You should steal his
pictures of the area and the church because I saw them and they are pretty good
so feel free to look at those bcause we do share the area.
Right now A is working
in a call center. She quit her job as a teacher because they don't pay teachers
here... like it takes months to pay them and she needed money. But M doesn't work at all. She just takes care of her family and us.
1. How was
church yesterday? Were any of your investigators there?
Church was good... It was weird to think that I might be seeing these people for the last time. We didn't have any investigators there.. well, that's a lie. The 9 year old daughter of a menos activo (less active member) came. It was disappointing not to have any other investigators there. But we did have more menos activos come to church so that always makes me feel really good... that people I have come to love and that I have visited for a while are coming back.
2. How is S doing? (that was a huge piñata at her son’s birthday party!!!)
they couldn't come to church again which worries me. And she's not as excited as
she used to be (for lack of going to church and te situation with S) so that has me worried a little but but I still believe that she will
get baptized but in time. She's so sweet, though, and I love her a lot! I just wish that she would realize that more bendiciones (blessings) would come if she got
baptized now rather than waiting for 3 months....
How is J doing?
Still haven't been able to find her. She was sick so we had
to cancel our cita (appointment) with her...
4. Were you able
to get out to see C and her family this week?
YES! It was actually a
really great visit and very inspired. We had to fast dinner to dinner yesterday
instead of the norm here lunch to lunch because someone had given us dinner on Saturday. So we were about to go to Marcia's for dinner and it was like 6:30 and
I just felt like we should go visit J and C before we went to eat
just to see how they were. Turns out two people from the stake were there to
visit with them, too, like super home teaching and the ward secretary. They
talked about the temple and covenants and it was a great lesson. Turns out on Saturday C kind of got arrested... well, not really. A pregnant lady picked
a fight with her and so they all got taken by the police, but she's fine and
didn't do anything but she had to go with them anyway. So she was quite
traumatized. But after the stake people went we just talked to them and made
her laugh and she looked a lot happier. I truly feel like we were able to raise
her spirits and make her feel better. And they invited us to eat dinner
tonight. :) I'm going to miss them. I just feel so much love for them and I'm so glad we got to visit them
5. What
did you do for P-Day today?
We had a water balloon fight again and
played slaughterball and I talked with the elders lol. bot too exciting but I
enjoyed it. We also went to to lunch at Pollazo.... they sell chicken and
tajadas that were alright. Aand now we are here!
6. What
miracles and tender mercies have you seen this week? Answers to your
M washed my clothes. For the first time in a year, I gave someone
else my clothes to wash. Maybe it's a pride thing but I always wash my clothes
by hand because I don't want other people to touch my stuff and ruin my clothes or
because I don't want to give work to someone else that I could do myself...I don't know..
but M washed my clothes and it was the best thing ever to just carry back
a sack of clean, washed laundry that was folded and soft and smelled nice.. I
got a little tearry eyed. Haha. Oh, and my tooth started hurting me this week...
but I went to M's and she gave me amoxicillin or something, I don't know, and it still
hurt so I was worried and called Sister Dester and after hearing about dentists
here I decided against going into the dentist and decided to rely on the Lord.
Well, I prayed really hard and I woke up the next day and my tooth has been
fine! And it hasn't bothered me since... so that was a miracle.
7. How has
someone else blessed your life this week?
We went to visit a menos activo
that never comes to church and usually doesn't receive us but we had nothing, absolutely nothing, and it was a hard day. So out of desperation we went to visit
her. And she actually received us! She has a pulperia (little store) which is why most of the
time she doesn't let us in and she feels bad because she's always running back and
forth tending customers. But she let us in and we had a lesson with her and she
saw my bracelet and that it was kind of dirty and not really shiny anymore and
she cleaned it for me. It was so sweet and she gave us Coke and donuts and it
was just so nice after a really hard day. A true tender mercy, that she was home
and that we were able to share with her and she with us.
8. How have you
blessed someone else’s life this week?
I don't know... Juana always says that
our visits really help her and that we sing like MoTab (the Mormon Tabernacle Choir) which is a lie, LOL, but
she loves it when we sing for her.
9. What was the
best thing that happened this week?
I'm not really sure.
10. Did you
have an English class again last week? How did it go?
It was really
good! We had only 4 this week, but they are the same people that come every
week so we have solid students. We taught the basic verb "to like"
and it took a little longer than we thought but it was good. E always comes, haha, but the elders are always there so there's nothing to worry about. And I
really do like teaching. I was sad that this week was probably my last class
with them! They are all so cute!
11. What was
the funniest/funnest thing that happened this week?
A new investigator
invited us to eat whre she works. So we went in the morning for baleadas and we
got Pepsi in glass bottles.... yeah, a fly flew into my Pepsi and I had only
had like 2 sips! And it died in there and I was so sad and it's rude to just leave a soda on the table that you didn't drink when its a gift so Hna N had to go pour it out on the ground for me, LOL, because she was on the outside but it
was way funny. And the elders played volleyball with no net and with a bouncy
ball.... it was funny.
12. What did
you do for your district meeting and zone meeting this
tespacebardoestwork...icatfisseailrigtow Wow, the keyboard didn't work and a
grand fiasco here in the internet... UGH had no
spacebar, no H and no N and no Y.... those are very important letters, LOL... but our
district meeting was sharing what we learned from conference and it was actually one of the most spirutual and reverent reuniones that we have had.
13. What
was the spiritual highlight of your week?
We really did have a good district
meeting. The lesson with Johan and Chayla was really good, too.
14. What did
you learn from your personal study this week? What did you decide to study now
that you’ve finished Preach My Gospel?
I started Jesus the Christ again because I don't have any other books to study. I'm working on the New Testament in Spanish still . But
you should all do like what they said in conference and strengthen your testimony
of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Go read his account in the scriptures. That is what I did this week (well, in Spanish) but I could still feel
the honesty of his words and that they jsut had to be true. I know that he was
a prophet called of God.
15. Do you know
that I love you and I miss you?
16. What
was the best thing and the worst thing you ate this week?
Crema from
Copan...supposedly. It was gross and tasted like smelly feet. But last night we
ate waffles with nutella! Yum!
17. You said
you went on divisions with Hna L last week and said you learned a lot and
that there are lots of things you can implement and work on. One of those
things, you said, was making every finding opportunity an opportunity to teach
a lesson. Were you able to work on that this week?
Unfortunately no....
it was rainy this week and so it was really hard to find people....
18. Your area
looks pretty small – can you walk the entire area in a day?
Yes, haha, you can
walk it all in 20 minutes. Its SOOOOOOO tiny!
19. What was
the most beautiful thing you saw this week?
The rain clouds were really pretty.
20. What has
been your favorite experience from this area? What memory will you
treasure the most when you get transferred?
I don't know if it's a memory but all
the time we have been able to spend with Marcia and Juana and Andrea and their
families. They truly feel like my family. When they aren't home I feel like
there is something missing. I always look forward to talking to them and to
seeing them. They just feel like family and when we come home at night there
they are to ask us about our day. I will miss them so much. I have never loved
anyone here in Honduras like I have come to love them.
Oh, my umbrella broke so I need a new one....It's been rainy. yay.
Sorry this took so
Hermana Gisseman
So there is a missionary tradition here to see who will say prayer....before we say prayer it's a rule, we put hands on the table
in a thumbs up position and that last one has to say prayer but if you do it at the same
time then it's noses... so it's jsut what we do as missionaries here
I love Hna Marcia!
You can see how thin my hair has gotten. :-( Less seems to be falling out now, so that is good.
Our "Happy One Year" Party last week
At General Conference last week
Some pictures of our area
Andrea trimmed the front of my hair again
The pulperia that is owned by a menos activo member
My Pepsi got a fly in it....
Josselyn gave me a gift. She is SO sweet!
Honduran food
District Meeting Fun
She is just the cutest!
Plantain empanadas
Gotta rock my Demon Pride!
Water balloon fight today!
We made waffles with Nutella!
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